Ashley's USF Blog

Student Blog Time

Heavy Snow and Wind… February 25, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — topela @ 12:14 am
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…that’s what meteorologist are calling for tomorrow. That’s right. ANOTHER snowy day. Hearing about this possible snow storm made me think about fond memories I have of snow days when I was younger. Pretty much all of these memories made me smile.

– My dad, brother, and I went to the local reservoir once to go sledding. Our sled was red and huge. After we lugged it all the way up the hill, the three of us piled on it. The first half of the ride was great. Then our sled tipped over. The next thing I knew, I was rolling down the hill. When I finally stopped, I cried because I got snow in my glove. Haha. Dad took us home after that.

-My mom always made a big deal of wearing our snowy boots in the house. (I now understand why.) My grandma, on the other hand, said snow was okay in the house because it was “only water and it cleaned the floor.” Since my grandma always told my brother and I that, we would tell our mom the same thing. Like I said, now I understand why mom didn’t like snow all over the floor. The first reason just might be that grandma has carpet and we have tile.

-While spending a snow day with my cousins at my grandma’s house, we went “iceskating” in her driveway. Of course there was only one patch of ice, but we loved it. I loved it until I spilled and hit my head on the cement. :/

– There is a creek behind my house. When it rains/snows too much, the creek overflows and water collects in my backyard. One winter when I was probably eleven years old, the water rose into my yard and froze. We had a completely smooth ince skating rink all to ourselves! My dad even bought my brother and I ice skates,  hockey sticks and a puck! We spent pretty much every day outside playing until the ice melted. This is probably my fondest winter memory.

Now that I’m older, my winter days are different. First, I rarely ever get snow days. I’ve had two in college and I can honestly say that’s two more than I expected to have. I also have to worry about driving in the snow. That’s no fun. Walking in the snow is also not a very pleasant experience. Well, before I get into too much of a rant about the cold snowy weather, I better stop.

To cut my rant short, I am definitely ready for warm, spring weather. I can’t wait to wash my car (and have it stay clean), ride my bicycle, and eat lunch outside.


My Favorite Movies February 17, 2011

I’ve never been much of a movie person; however, lately I’ve been watching quite a few. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my roommate owns nearly one zillion DVDs. Anyway, these are my top ten five favorite movies.

1. Christmas Vacation

2. Dumb and Dumber

“Yeah I called her up. She gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something. I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention.” –This is my favorite line of the whole movie! 🙂

3. Hocus Pocus

4. The Goonies

5. The Hot Chick

You can see from earlier in my post that I wanted to do my top TEN favorite movies…but I couldn’t think of ten. I told you I wasn’t much of a movie watcher! :/


Admissions Make Over, Weather, Weekend Plans February 11, 2011

For the past couple months, the USF Admissions Office has been preparing for an office make over. Now that I think of it, I should have taken a “before” picture. We are currently awaiting the arrival of our new furniture. So tonight, I will provide you with a “during” picture. When the furniture arrives, I’ll try to post a “completed” picture. If you’ve ever been to campus for a visit or you read a blog I wrote over the summer, you know that when you enter the Admissions Office, Sue (the receptionist) greets you at the counter. This is no longer true. Now, when you enter Trinity Hall, Sue will greet you as soon as you walk in the front door. From there, she will direct you to our reception area. In this reception area, you’ll wait for your admissions counselor. While you’re waiting you can sit on a comfy couch, watch our campus slideshow, and enjoy some tasty refreshments. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on our progress.

In other news, hasn’t it been EXTREMELY cold outside?! This morning it was -7 degrees! As sad as it is to say, I can’t wait for it to be like 32 degrees again. Haaa, that’s freezing! It’ll feel decent after the weather we’ve been having. This winter has seemed to drag on. I usually don’t mind the chilly weather, but this winter has been getting to me. I think it’s because I have to drive more because of my internship. It is safe to say I AM READY FOR SUMMER!

Who has exciting plans for the weekend? I do! I’m going to a concert in Columbus. Rooney is playing at The Basement. I’ve heard the venue is pretty small…but that’s okay with me. You get a more intimate experience at smaller venues since you’re closer to the stage. In case anyone doesn’t know who Rooney is, they’re a band from California. Their lead singer, Robert Schwartzman, is in the Princess Diaries. I saw them last summer when they opened for Hanson. I really liked their music so I bought their CD and now I’m headed to see them live again. What plans do you all have for the weekend?


Packers vs. Steelers February 4, 2011

I really don’t pay that much attention to professional football, but  my brother is a HUGE Packers I’m sure I will be watching the big game this Sunday. I suppose I’ll even root for his team. 🙂 While I’m sure I will have some homework to do Sunday night, maybe I should take a break and enjoy some junk food while I watch the game. I read on yahoo (or some other search engine) that some football video game (you can tell I don’t play very many by my choice of words) has successfully predicted the winners of the Superbowl for the past few years. Unfortunately, I didn’t read the article I don’t know who they predicted to win. I think I’ll be happy with a Packer win. 🙂 Because I have come to the conclusion that my blogs are always food related, here is a recipe to enjoy Sunday night! 🙂


  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon dried minced onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 (10 ounce) cans chunk white chicken, drained


Mix cream cheese, sour cream, minced onion, onion salt, Worcestershire sauce, and cayenne pepper in a bowl until well-blended. Stir in the chicken, breaking up any large pieces. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving.

I got this recipe from Check it out! Any time I want to try a new dish, this is the first place I go!


Snow! Snow! Snow! February 1, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — topela @ 12:49 am
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I know it’s Winter, but I don’t think I’m ready for all the snow that’s supposed to come this way. says we’re under a winter storm warning. Normally, I would be pretty exicted at the thought of a possible snow day. (Yes, I had a snow day in college once. It was awesome!) This time I’m not so excited though. I am actually pretty nervous about driving to my internship in bad weather. I guess we’ll see if we get all this snow/ice. Drive safely!

Keep updated on Fort Wayne’s weather: