Ashley's USF Blog

Student Blog Time

I can’t believe it. April 29, 2011

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Yep, today is my last day at USF. Honestly, it doesn’t seem possible. Last night, I began taking the final boxes out to my car and this morning, I took my computer, sheets, and shower items to put in my trunk. Then…the cleaning began. In order to check out, each student must remove all of their belongings from their room andย mop, dust, and scrub everything. Since my roommate hasn’t left yet, I only had to do half of the room…but it still took quite a while! After a couple hours of packing and cleaning, I started my check out process. Thankfully, everything passed inspection! ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, I’m here at my last day of work. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Hopefully, I’ll still be able to keep up with my blog though. I’ve really loved working in the Admissions Office and there’s no doubt I will be back to visit!

While I feel like I’m saying goodbye to Fort Wayne today, I will actually be here quite a bit within the next few weeks. Thursday, I am getting together for dinner with some of my closest friends, then I will having a slumber party that night because I have to be here bright and early Friday morning for the Social Work pinning ceremony. Then obviously I will be in Fort Wayne on Saturday for graduation.

Yeah! Graduation! Crazy! I have my cap and gown, my cords, and my dress. I just need shoes. I’d love to wear heels, buuuut I really don’t want to fall or have super sore feet. So…I’m still waiting to decide on what to wear. Hopefully I will find something. After graduation, my dad offered to take me out to eat. I’m really excited to spend time with my family on this day. With my brother and I living away from home, we don’t get to spend many days together. My mom is a picture-taking machine, so I will make sure to post some pictures from graduation. It takes place at the Coliseum, which is pretty cool.

The week after graduation, I will be getting together for lunch with a classmate and a friend we met through our internships. I’m looking forward to trying out the new restaurant and keeping in touch with the awesome people I’ve met here. I’ll have to post about how it goes!

On May 24, I will be returning to Fort Wayne once again to participate in the MDA’s Lock Up. I think I posted about that once before though. A classmate of mine is being locked up with me, so that will be fun! I’m sure it’ll be great to catch up and grab some lunch together.

In between all those dates I need to unpack my belongings and go to the dentist. Ehhh. I will also be babysitting for my cousin’s son. He is absolutely adorable and I cannot wait to spend some time with him. Other than that, I will be hanging out with my friends and relaxing until I start grad school in June.

Yeah, that’s right! June! I am one busy girl! I am excited to be starting fresh at Toledo and furthering my education. I’ve got big plans, so hopefully everything works out…it always does. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve promised myself I will keep in touch with all my friends in Fort Wayne, so instead of goodbye, it’s just see you soon! ๐Ÿ™‚